
This is a detailed changelog for the specified release above.

◾ Disabling Name Functionality

If you wish to use Identix for only the Biography, Gender, and Avatar features; you can disable the scripts' ability to not save a user's in-game name.

To disable the name system; open lua\modules\identix\cfg\sh_cfg_names.luaand edit the following code:

cfg.names =
    enabled                 = false,  <-----------------
    bSimpleName             = true,
    force_onjoin            = true,
    unique_enabled          = true,
    cost_enabled            = true,
    cost_type               = 'rp',
    cost                    = 200,
    length_min              = 3,
    length_max              = 30,
    bBroadcast              = true,
    bWelcome                = true,
    disallow_numbers        = true,

◾ Theme System Core Implemented

Shortly in the future; Identix will be receiving a new theme that server owners can pick from. The code added in this update migrates the original theme over to the new theme system in preparation of the new theme being added. Themes are not yet ready to use, but should be in the near future.

◾ Added Support for Pointshop 1 & 2

Servers can now charge various types of currencies that players must pay in order to change their name. The list includes the following:




DarkRP money


Pointshop 1


Pointshop 2 | Regular points


Pointshop 2 | Premium points

For more information about this feature; please review FAQ > Change Currencies.

◾ Migrated profile files to subfolder

To enhance the profile system; sv_profiles.lua and cl_profiles.lua have been moved to lua\modules\identix\profiles

◾ Migrated language entries to new location

All language entries originally located in lua\modules\identix\sh_env.lua have been moved to lua\modules\identix\lang. Now supports multiple language entries if added by server owner. Review the Configuration -> Languages page for creating your own.

◾ Skins folder renamed Themes

Simple change to keep conformity. If you overwrite files when updating; you'll need to manually delete the skins folder. However, if you do a wipe and clean installation, nothing additional is needed.

◾ Added Developer Hooks

Server owners or developers who wish to hook into Identix can now do so with the provided hooks available on the Developers -> Hooks page.

◾ Updated ServerGuard Permission Names

ServerGuard names for permissions have been updated for better readability.

Last updated